Grubbründl Chapel - Impression #1 | © Tourismusverband Oststeiermark

Grubbründl Chapel


The Grubbründl Chapel is a romantic chapel in the middle of a forest clearing in the municipality of Thannhausen. The Virgin Mary is said to have appeared in this place to a shepherd boy in the 17th century.

The new pilgrimage chapel on the Grubbründl, built in 1983 according to plans by the Weiz architect Franz Hausleitner, with its distinctive pyramid-shaped tower and the resulting interior with a freely visible roof structure, recorded all the old pictures and figures that have been preserved from the long time of this pilgrimage site were.

Healing effect

The beginnings go back to the year 1758, when the first chapel was built here in the furthest corner of the Grubbach valley. The source near the Grubbründl was said to have healing properties, and to this day many pilgrimages lead to this place every year. The small chapel from 1748 was rebuilt in a much larger form in 1844, until this building had to give way to the current building from 1983. In whatever form the religious monument has been preserved, the places of worship are mostly very old locations that date back to the late Middle Ages. Originally it was surely just the simple wooden cross, which today is distributed almost everywhere over the landscape and thus became the primary Christian symbol and the most important hall monument.


Grubbründl Kapelle
Grub 14
8160 Thannhausen

What the weather will be like

Weiz (473m)

very sunny
14°C 29°C
16°C 31°C
16°C 29°C