St. Ruprecht an der Raab
A stay in St. Ruprecht an der Raab is a holiday in the heart of Styria, close to Graz in Eastern Styria. You can spend it in a wide variety of ways. Go winter hiking far removed from mass tourism in the winter months, relax in a wellness facility or go on a journey of discovery in Eastern Styria and Graz.
In the summer, a lovingly designed family adventure pool awaits with Styria’s oldest river pool, as well as numerous biking trails, excursion destinations, natural attractions, cultural highlights and Graz, the capital of culture and indulgence. A network of hiking and walking trails with excellent signage is provided for walkers, hikers, Nordic walkers and runners.
Golfers not only find the Golfclub Gut Freiberg right outside the door, but another 11 golf courses within a radius of 70 kilometres. For connoisseurs, St. Ruprecht an der Raab as the home of the runner bean, pumpkin, apple and wine pampers you with a varied selection of culinary offers. Insider tip: Experience Eastern Styria from the pleasurable side with the “Genusstour” in St. Ruprecht an der Raab.
Scenic routes
The community of St. Ruprecht an der Raab located on the Styrian Apple Road features numerous culinary delights. Aside from cultivating apples, the town is committed to another Styrian speciality: the Styrian “Käferbohne” runner bean.