Everything about the right vinegar! In the small vinegar factory in Koglhof, over 40 types of vinegar are made from the fruits and herbs that grow around and on the farm. The Oswald/Schaffer family has acquired a broad knowledge of vinegar production and the various components and demonstrate this with the delicious specialties. During a guided tour through the vinegar manufactory, you will learn interesting facts about the production of the different varieties, but also about the fruits and herbs that grow on the farm. Finally, the different varieties are tasted in a sales room. A farm shop then invites you to browse.
The guided tour and tasting is free with the GenussCard! All information about the GenussCard at www.gnusscard.at.
Children under 6 years old are free. The guided tour & tasting is free with the GenussCard and the Styria Card! All information about the GenussCard at www.genusscard.at
The Oswald/Schaffer vinegar manufactory is located in Koglhof in the Rossegg district. Only old fruit varieties from our own orchards are processed into vinegar. Discover the smallest vinegar manufactory in Austria with 62.5 m² and be enchanted by the vegan products.