© Thermen- & Vulkanland | Der Ferder © Thermen- & Vulkanland | Der Ferder

Excursions in the Thermen- & Vulkanland

Every holiday involves a culinary discovery or two that you won’t forget in a hurry. Visitors will savour the memory of the Zotter Chocolate Factory, where you can “nibble” your way through the history of chocolate from the cocoa bean to the finished product. Of course, that’s not the only gourmet world to invite you to sample its delicious products – there’s also the Vulcano Ham Manufactory, for example, and Gölles Manufacturing for fine vinegars and fruit brandies as well.

However, it’s not just the culinary treasures of the region that delight visitors both young and old... There’s also a whole host of fascinating wonders to explore in art & culture (just take the Schlösserstraße “Castle Road”, for example), handicrafts, nature & adventure too!

Take a look here to find your own personal highlights for your next holiday in Southeast Styria.

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Fahrradreparatur-Station | © TVB Bad Radkersburg
  • open today
  • Klöch

Fahrradreparatur-Station Hotel Domittner

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Golf 3 | © TV- Thermen- & Vulkanland
  • Klöch

GC Traminergolf Resort Klöch

Surrounded by the gentle hilly landscape with its vineyards rises the Hotel Traminergolf, on the hill planted with...
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Generationenpark | © Lisa Schuster
  • Bad Radkersburg

Generationenpark - Franz-Wegart-Park

Generation Park - Brings movement into your everyday life.
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Pumptrack | © TV- Thermen- & Vulkanland
  • Bad Radkersburg

Pumptrack - Hasenhaide

A special circuit that can be used with bicycles, skateboards, scooters or inline skates.
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Fahrradreparatur-Station Oberpurkla | © TV- Thermen- & Vulkanland
  • open today
  • Halbenrain

Fahrradreparatur-Station Radhotel Schischek

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Kräutergarten | © TV Thermen- & Vulkanland
  • Halbenrain

Kräutergarten Schloss Halbenrain

It was created in 1988 following the decree of Charlemagne (Caitulare de villis).
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Radbrücke | © TV- Thermen- & Vulkanland
  • Halbenrain


We are located in the Natura 2000 area, which is the largest floodplain area in Austria after the Danube floodplains. ...
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Käferbohnenblüte | © Bäcksteffl
  • open today
  • Halbenrain

Bäcksteffl - Bauernspezereien & Käferbohnen-Kabinett

Come to the farm of the first Beetle Bean Queen Michaela I. and immerse yourself in the beanbastian world of the...
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Liebmannsee 2 | © TV-Thermen- & Vulkanland
  • open today
  • Bad Radkersburg

Liebmann See

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Fahrradreparatur-Station | © TV- Thermen- & VUlkanland.at
  • open today
  • Halbenrain

Fahrradreparatur-Station Marktgemeinde Halbenrain

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Traminerwinzer | © Klöcher Traminer Winzer
  • Klöch

Klöcher Traminer Winzer

Meanwhile 18 winemakers from the Klöch region are responsible for the flowering of the brand "Klöcher Traminer - the...
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Vinothek Klöch
  • open today
  • Klöch

Wine shop & viticulture museum Klöch

A regional wine shop in the wine-growing region of Klöch with the heart of the wine shop, the Klöcher Traminer, in...
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