Heilwassermuseum Johannisbrunnen - Impression #1 | © TVB Thermen- & Vulkanland

Heilwassermuseum Johannisbrunnen


The old areas of healing water production serve as historical exhibition areas.

Museum in historical walls
Here you will learn about the history of the healing water source "Johannisbrunnen" since 1678 as well as the criteria for drinking, tap, mineral and healing water. A water tasting may not be missing. The history of the healing water spring "Johannisbrunnen" begins with Archduke Johann as the name giver in 1819. The workplace of Margrave Wickenburg from 1834 can be visited as well as a filling shaft anno 1840. Another program item is microscope photography. A miracle of nature in the Johannisbrunnen in Hof near Straden. Afterwards you can visit the "Bulldogwirt", which is just around the corner - here you can expect classic Styrian inn cuisine and the museum "Nostalgic Country Life".

History of the Gleichenberg spring
The charm of the landscape, the round, gentle hills and valleys, the mild climate - all this led to Gleichenberg becoming a health resort 180 years ago. The "rising star" among the noble spas, almost the entire European aristocracy came here. As early as 1822, the physician Dr. Ignaz Werle (a brother-in-law of Archduke Johann) had written a treatise on the healing power of the Gleichenberg springs.
The commercial use of the Gleichenberg healing waters was initiated by the then governor of Styria, Imperial Count Matthias Constantin von Wickenburg. In 1834 the "Gleichenberger und Johannis-Brunnen Actien Verein" was founded. The purpose described in the minutes was: "To purchase the mineral springs of the Johannesbrunnen; to make generally known the experiences made about their healing powers.


Gleichenberger & Johannisbrunnen GmbH
Hof bei Straden 17/Johannisbrunn
8345 Straden

What the weather will be like

Straden (340m)

very sunny
14°C 29°C
16°C 31°C
16°C 30°C