Die Kleinkeuschler & Verstossene Schätze - Impression #1 | © Andreas Schwarz

Die Kleinkeuschler & Verstossene Schätze


Welcome to the Kleinkeuschlerhügel of Anita and Karl.

In the middle of the volcanic country between Straden and Bad Gleichenberg, is the self-proclaimed "Kleinkeuschlerhügel" of the Schwarz-Marberl family.

On a manageable size of about 4 hectares, we have made it our task to preserve rare breeds of livestock and crops, and to promote their husbandry and cultivation. Species-appropriate and sustainable, that is our vision. Therefore we do not use any kind of synthetic fertilizers or sprays, also our animals live in year-round free-range husbandry and are fed conventionally, with what nature provides us.

But not only animals and plants can be observed in our farm, but also more than 200 different species of cacti and a collection of the outcast treasures can be seen here.

  • rare breeds of farm animals (among others the Cika cattle, unique in Austria)
  • show field (with giant burgundy, primitive corn, dragon gourd and other rare useful plants)
  • cacti collection (such as the "mother-in-law's chair")
  • Mineral collection (special time witnesses from all over the world)
  • Collection of cast-off treasures (from the clock that goes backwards to the wrought-iron chandelier)
  • Kleinkeuschler nostalgia (a little time travel to the Roamandl, Brechl or the Schmolztesn)

Health and security measures

  • Distance rules are kept


Grub II 28
8345 Straden
Moile +43 664 46 80 122

What the weather will be like

Straden (340m)

very sunny
14°C 29°C
16°C 31°C
16°C 30°C