Hiking route Gspitzter Stein with Haselkaralm - Touren-Impression #1 | © TV Gesäuse Hiking route Gspitzter Stein with Haselkaralm - Touren-Impression #1 | © TV Gesäuse

Gspitzter Stein with Haselkaralm

Wonderful, very varied hike with first a steep ascent through rocky forest then over alpine pastures in the national park and very natural forests and lonely paths to the Neuburgsattel with a stop at the Neuburgalm and an entertaining descent to Radmer.
Wonderful, very varied hike with a steep ascent through rocky woods, which can be cautiously descended and insured places. As a reward, the hike takes you over alpine pastures in the national park to the Haselkaralm and the foot of the Lugauer. Culturally very interesting. Afterwards through very natural forests and lonely paths to the Neuburgsattel with a stop at the Neuburgalm and a short descent to Radmer.

At the Museum of Copper Mining on the left over the Brückerl we follow the path to the starting point.



Best season


The tour in numbers

Level of difficulty
10,7 km
5:00 h
859 hm
859 hm
1661 m
Highest point

Map & downloads

More information

from Leoben or the Pyhrnautobahn on the Eisenerzerbundesstrasse 115 to the turnoff to Radmar( L127)and then to Radmarvon Admont on the Gesäusebundesstrasse 146 to Hieflau and further on the B115 to the turnoff to Radmar (L127)
In Radmer, shortly before the Greifenberg Castle 889 m, the marked hiking trail No. 668 leads largely through forest, finally over exposed places secured with ropes to a saddle called G`spitzte Stein 1555 m. Here you enter the Gesäuse National Park. At the G'spitzten Stein we are impressed by the view of the Lugauer, which could also be climbed on the continuing path No. 668. We walk northwards for about 15 minutes over alpine meadows to Haselkar. Here we wonder about mysterious remains of stone buildings, about 200 meters south of the hut. Like ruins in Colombian Peru, they stand on a small plateau directly in the Lugauer Plan.

We walk back the 15 min. and choose the trail to the southwest, which leads first briefly uphill, then slightly downhill to the Neuburgsattel 1439m. The path splits here, you may also descend to Johnsbach. We hike over the beautifully situated Neuburgalm where we can take a leisurely refreshment, in an easterly direction back to Radmar, where we also pass the copper mining museum. Here we turn left towards Radmer/Hasel and cross the small bridge to the end of the trail. The road takes us past the dilapidated castle to our starting point.

stop for a bite to eat at the Neuburgalm.

or descend via the Almenrunde to Johnbach and return with the Xeis-Taxi!



shortly before the castle Greifenberg Radmar small parking lot next to garbage island
Leisure map Gesäuse

Available be1 TV housings/Admont

and many companies in the region

Gesäuse Tourist Office

Main road 35,

8911 Admont, Austria

Phone +43 (0) 3613 21160 10

email: info@gesaeuse.at

Carto.at / Wander-, Rad- & Schitourenkarte „Nationalpark Gesäuse“Gesäuseberge – Haller Mauern – Eisenerzer Alpen West, Nr. 801

M 1: 35.000 http://www.carto.at/gesaeuse/

Kompass/ Wander-, Fahrrad- & Schitourenkarte „Nationalpark Gesäuse“, Nr. 206

M 1 : 25.000  http://www.kompass.de/touren-und-regionen/wanderkarte/dest/100148-alpenregion-nationalpark-gesaeuse/

Alpenvereinskarte „Gesäuse und Ennstaler Alpen“, Blatt 16, M 1 : 25.000



What the weather will be like

Radmer (692m)

very sunny
12°C 29°C
14°C 30°C
slightly cloudy
15°C 28°C
Kindererlebnis-Bauernhof Perhofer, Silvia | © Oststeiermark Tourismus, Rene Strasser

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