Stenzengreither Theme Trail
Relaxing, educational and eventful hike for nature lovers through forests, pastures, orchards and along a romantic torrent.
The Stenzengreith Theme Trail was newly adapted and extended in 2017 by the Gutenberg-Raabklamm Information Centre on behalf of the municipality of Gutenberg-Stenzengreith. Furthermore, many additional resting places were set up. Right at the beginning of the trail, near the Kreuzwirt in Stenzengreith, you can enjoy a magnificent panoramic view of the Weizer region, the Weizer Bergland, the Kulm and the Weizer-Gleisdorfer-Riedelland. Details are explained on a large panorama board. In the so-called MĂĽhlgraben, where until 70 years ago numerous water-powered stone mills still rattled, you walk along a romantic torrent and enjoy a rest by a small waterfall.