A comfortable familiehike beside the ,,Lärchkar-Stream''. For those who prefer it further, you can hike even further to the Stallaalm.
THOUSANDS OF GREENS are bestowed upon you here when you hike along the babbling brook, through the forest and over bridges. Out of the last piece of forest, the wide alpine landscape opens up to you and you can already see the managed huts. Here everyone is happy - cows, pigs, rabbits. And the dairymaid? She serves you the finest alpine delicacies.
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More information
From the Ennstalbundesstraße (B320) turn off at the Trautenfels junction in the direction of Irdning, Donnersbach, Donnersbachwald. Through the village of Donnersbach and another 12 km to Donnersbachwald. Past the Riesneralm and about 4 km to Hinterwald.
From the parking lot in Hinterwald you choose the entrance to the hiking trail to the left of the forest road and march along the torrent in a very relaxed way. Small bridges, rushing waterfalls and sunny spots add variety to the tour. At the wild animal feeding station, keep to the right and walk up the short climb to the power station. Now follow the forest path until you see the wide alpine landscape with the managed huts after the last piece of forest. Walk back along the same path.
Possibility to continue on the forest road to Stallalm, 45 minutes from Lärchkaralm.
There gives no puplic transport.
Free Parking at Hinterwald
lärchkaralm_img_60448775 | © Erlebnisregion Schladming-Dachstein | Christoph Lukas
Neben vielen Bänken, bietet sich auch einmal ein gemütlicher Baum als Rastplatz an. | © Erlebnisregion Schladming-Dachstein | Christoph Lukas
Eine von mehreren Brücken über den Lärchkarbach | © Erlebnisregion Schladming-Dachstein | Christoph Lukas
Flederbach Wasserfall | © Erlebnisregion Schladming-Dachstein | Christoph Lukas
Die Hütten der Lärchkaralm mit ihren sommerlichen Bewohnern ;-) | © Erlebnisregion Schladming-Dachstein | Christoph Lukas
Lärchkaralm Donnersbachwald | © Klaus Zettler
What the weather will be like
Irdning-Donnersbachtal (665m)
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