Hiking route Mit dem Bus zum Berg - Überschreitung der Hohen Scheibe - Touren-Impression #1 | © TV Hochsteiermark Hiking route Mit dem Bus zum Berg - Überschreitung der Hohen Scheibe - Touren-Impression #1 | © TV Hochsteiermark

Mit dem Bus zum Berg - Überschreitung der Hohen Scheibe

A technically easy, panoramic and not too long tour from the Semmering Railway World Heritage Site to the Mürzer Oberland Nature Park. An enjoyable hike in the northeast of Styria with variants to Mürzzuschlag as well as to the Preiner Gscheid and thus to the Rax.
The route often leads through forests, across meadows and alpine pastures from Spital am Semmering to Kapellen. Access or descent variants to Mürzzuschlag or to the Preiner Gscheid are possible, on weekends a cozy little refuge awaits thirsty hikers on the Hohe Scheibe.



Best season


The tour in numbers

Level of difficulty
17,2 km
7:00 h
1130 hm
1050 hm
1560 m
Highest point

Map & downloads

More information

From Spital am Semmering / train station we go over the Zatzkavillen and past the Räuberhöhlen first in the direction of "Saurücken". Passing the Franziskaquelle (wonderful panoramic resting place), we reach the Kampalpe (summit cross slightly east of the highest point) via a climb that is quite steep at the end.

Our path now continues in a westerly direction to the Drahtekogel (here the path from the Preiner Gscheid is added) and, always in a slight up and down, to the Hohe Scheibe (small refuge, summit cross, descent to Mürzzuschlag possible). Still continuing in a westerly direction, we now descend through extensive forests and via forest paths to the so-called Windlöcher (wind holes) and the Bleiweissgrube (cave, visit possible).

Finally we pass the Plodererkreuz (magnificent viewpoint) and our tour ends in Kapellen (at the former Jausenstation train station).

In the upper Mürztal there are several interesting sights such as the Neuberg Abbey, the glassblowing workshop in the Kaiserhof, the Neuberg Nature Museum with the Schliefsteiner collection or the world's largest spinning wheel in Kapellen. Also the new climate change trail in Altenberg / Rax, the waterfall to the Dead Woman at Mürzsteg / Frein or the show tunnel at Mürzufer / Krampen are highly recommended as excursion destinations.
With the BusBahnBim app of Verbundlinie, timetable information has never been easier:All connections by bus, train and streetcar in Austria can be queried by entering places and/or addresses, stops or important points.

The app is available as a free app for smartphones (Android, iOS) - on Google Play and in the App Store.

Tour with public arrival.
Weitere Informationen:

Naturparkbüro Mürzer Oberland, Tel. +43 3857 8321, www.muerzeroberland.at , geöffnet von Mo. – Fr. von 8.00 – 12.00 Uhr 

Steiermark Tourismus, Tel. +43 316 4003, www.steiermark.com 

TRV Hochsteiermark, Tel.: +43 3862 55020, www.hochsteiermark.at 

Tipp: die Steiermark Touren App, die gratis auf Google Play und im App Store zur Verfügung steht (Android, iOS), bietet detaillierte Informationen aus erster Hand: Shortfacts (Länge, Dauer, Schwierigkeit, Aufstieg und Abstieg in Höhenmetern, Bewertungen), Karte, Wegbeschreibungen, Höhenmesser, Kompass, Gipfelfinder, Navigation entlang der Tour. Zudem kann man seine persönliche Favoritenliste von Lieblingstouren und –punkten erstellen, Touren und Ausflugsziele offline speichern, social media - Kanäle bespielen und mehr.

Berg- Wander- und NaturparkführerInnen:Auskünfte im Naturparkbüro Mürzer Oberland, Tel.: +43 3857 8321 

Holen Sie sich übrigens mit der Summit Lynx App Ihre persönlichen Gipfelnadeln: www.summitlynx.com 

Free Pocket Card hiking route "From glacier to wine" can be found at www.steiermark.com.

Hiking map BergZeitReise through Hochsteiermark can be found at www.hochsteiermark.at .

Compass WK Vienna Hausberge


Freytag &Berndt WK Semmering - Rax - Schneealpe


Hiking guide "BergZeitReise", self-published by HOCHsteiermark.

Available in the webshop HOCHsteiermark, in the office of the TRV in Bruck/Mur and in well-stocked bookstores.


What the weather will be like

Neuberg an der Mürz (734m)

very sunny
14°C 27°C
17°C 29°C
17°C 28°C
Kindererlebnis-Bauernhof Perhofer, Silvia | © Oststeiermark Tourismus, Rene Strasser

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