Snowshoe walking Hinterwildalpen  Lurgrunde - Touren-Impression #1 | © TV Gesäuse Snowshoe walking Hinterwildalpen  Lurgrunde - Touren-Impression #1 | © TV Gesäuse

Hinterwildalpen Lurgrunde

Beautiful, easy and relaxing loop almost exclusively on deep snow-covered and lonely forest paths that seem untouched in winter.
Beautiful, easy and relaxing loop almost exclusively on deep snow-covered and lonely forest paths that seem untouched in winter.

After about half the loop at the Adambaueralm turn-off, the loop can be extended by about 1.5 hours to the foot of the Gr.Geiger



Best season


The tour in numbers

Level of difficulty
7,8 km
3:08 h
250 hm
247 hm
1035 m
Highest point

Map & downloads

More information

From Vienna: A1 Westautobahn exit Ybbs via Wieselburg, Scheibbs and Lunz/See to Göstling an der Ybbs continue in the direction of Palfau, at the Erzhalden junction turn off to Wildalpen.

From Vienna, Eisenstadt: Semmeringschnellstraße S6, near Mürzzuschlag onto the B23 Mariazeller Bundesstrasse and Mürzsteg and Wegscheid to Gusswerk and on the Hochschwab Bundesstrasse B24 to Wildalpen.

From Linz: A1 to Voralpenkreuz junction, A9 to Windischgarsten, Unterlaussa, Altenmarkt, Grossreifling, Palfau and Wildalpen

From Salzburg: A1 on A9 to exit Ardning/Admont, Gesäusebundesstrasse and B24 to Wildalpen

From Graz: A9 Pyhrnautobahn, exit, Traboch (near Leoben) via Präbichl/Eisenerz, Hieflau, Landl, Gams to Palfau at the Erzhalden junction turn off to Wildalpen.

In Wildalpen at the water museum approx. 6km to Hinterwildalpen and at the inn Zum Krug keep to the right after approx. 1km in Lurg, park on the right at the barrier to the forest road.

From the car park, follow the road to the west until you reach the barrier and then continue along the forest road.

Shortly before the bend at a red deer feeding station, please follow the signpost through the forest so as not to disturb the animals.

Now we simply follow the course of the forest road and at the highest point we could turn right and make a detour to the Adambaueralm. We continue in an easterly direction and keep to the left.

Go down the forest until you reach the road again. Now we are in Wildalpen and could also take a break at the Krug inn.

Walk left along the road to the starting point.

At the "Adambaueralm" turn-off, the loop can be extended by approx. 1.5 hours to the foot of the Gr.Geiger
The best way to get there by public transport is to search for a connection in advance at: or

Taxi and car rental: Reinhold Missethon: Mobile 0043 (0) 650 3101020 or Mobile 0043 (0) 664 4520690

TAXI Johanna Werner, Tel. 0043 (0)3636 / 321 or 0043 (0)664 / 648 55 37

park on the right at the barrier to the forest road.
Infobüro/Salza Wildalpen

Wildalpen 91 – 8924 Wildalpen Tel. 03636/241

Mo und Fr. 9:00-17:00

Wanderkarte erhaltlich im:

Infobüro/Salza Wildalpen

Wildalpen 91 – 8924 Wildalpen Tel. 03636/241

Mo und Fr. 9:00-17:00


What the weather will be like

Wildalpen (611m)

very sunny
13°C 30°C
15°C 31°C
slightly cloudy
15°C 29°C
Kindererlebnis-Bauernhof Perhofer, Silvia | © Oststeiermark Tourismus, Rene Strasser

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