Teufelstein - A fabulous snowshoe hike, Fischbach
The oldest cult site in Styria attracts numerous hikers as well as enthusiasts every year at the winter solstice, who watch the natural spectacle together.
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From Graz via the Weizer-BundesstraĂźe B72 to Birkfeld and from here via the Schanzsattel-LandesstraĂźe L114 to Fischbach - through the village after just under 2 km to the Zellerkreuz (on the right-hand side of the road).
From Linz/Salzburg/Munich via the Pyhrnautobahn A9 and the Semmering-SchnellstraĂźe S6 to the Kindberg exit. Continue as above.
Further information: Zeller Kreuz, Teufelstein
- We start at the Zellerkreuz
- We hike leisurely in the direction of Nordern until we come to the sign "Direction Hochlantsch".
- Soon we reach the Alptor
- We keep left and reach the HalterhĂĽtte a little later
- Past the halterhĂĽtte we come to an alpine meadow, which we cross
- We cross the forest road and by the last ascent we reach the Teufelstein
- We follow the green marking "Schanzsattel"
- Here we pass the small Teufelstein
- Now we keep to the marking "Teufelsteinrunde".
- We come to the Schanz via a forest path
- From there we take the small path next to the main road uphill.
- At two crossroads, which are close to each other, we take the right-hand path in each case
- Now we come back to the forest road, which leads us back to Zellerkreuz
Office Joglland - Waldheimat
8255 St. Jakob im Walde
church quarter 24
Tel.: +43 3336 20255
Wanderkarte des Höhenluftkurortes Fischbach 1:27.778 Infobüro Fischbach Tel. +43 3170 206, www.fischbach.co.at
Diese Tour findet man auch im Schneeschuhführer Steiermark (Rother Verlag) von Silvia Sarvletti und Elisabeth Zienitzer.In diesem Tourenführer finden sie die 62 schönsten Schneeschuhtouren der Steiermark.Erhältlich ist das Buch auch direkt beim Tourismusverband Joglland - Waldheimat.