Aus dem Sattental zur Schladminger Alm
The Schladminger Alm is located in the beautiful Sattental and is easily accessible via an alpine path.
Rest, enjoy and marvel - an alpine hut in the middle of the Schladminger Tauern. The Schladminger Alm is a small paradise away from the hustle and bustle. On a small high plateau with a wide view of the mountains of the Ennstal and the Hochwildstelle.
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Turn off the B320 Ennstal federal road in Pruggen and continue towards Pruggererberg. From there, follow the signs towards Sattental and continue on the road until you reach the Leonhardikreuz.
The hike starts at the Leonhardikreuz in Sattental. From the crossroads, you walk down the forest path to the bridge over the Sattentalbach and follow the path on the other side out of the valley. You hike up 7 bends to the alpine pasture area of ​​the Schladminger Alm, where a wonderful view of the Hochwildstelle awaits you. You return on the same path.
Some parking spaces are available directly at the Leonhardikreuz.
Hütte von vorne © Moosbrugger (2024).JPEG
Schladminger Alm 2 © Moosbrugger (2024).JPG
Aussicht mit Zaun © Moosbrugger (2024).JPEG
Hütte von der Seite © Moosbrugger (2024).JPG
What the weather will be like
Michaelerberg-Pruggern (686m)
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