AppleCountry Tour WZ12, Puch near Weiz
A culinary pleasure bike tour through ApfelLand
The route takes us through a landscape dominated by apple and elder trees.Along the cycle tour, cozy inns, pubs and cider taverns invite us to stop and rest.In Austria's largest fruit-growing region, apple production and marketing have a long tradition. Dozens of restaurants conjure up delicacies ranging from apple foam soup and roast cider to sophisticated desserts.The Styrian Apple Route takes you through the heart of the apple country in Eastern Styria with over half a million fruit trees... Austria's orchard "A journey to paradise".Whether in bloom or at harvest time, the Apple Road is always an experience.
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By carComing from Vienna:Take the south highway (A2) to the Hartberg exit - via the main road (B54) in the direction of Graz - 2 km after Kaindorf in the direction of Graz turn off in the direction of ApfelLand-Stubenbergsee- Stubenbergsee-Floing- Unterfeistritz- Puch bei WeizComing from Salzburg/Germany:Highway via Salzburg - Pyhrnautobahn (A9) to Graz - continue via the Südautobahn in the direction of Vienna (A2) to the Gleisdorf West exit - main road (B54) to Kaibing - ApfelLand-Stubenbergsee- Stubenbergsee- Floing- Unterfeistritz- Puch bei Weiz
The trail leads from the Puch fruit warehouse to the "Haus des Apfels" and on to Külml Castle. The route then continues to the Töchterlehof mare's milk stud farm and the market town of Anger. Apple orchards and elderberry plantations almost always line the little-used side roads on which the tour runs.In the vacation resort of Anger, you can enjoy some culinary refreshments before returning to Puch on the R8.At the Gössl fruit warehouse, you can continue into the town center of Puch bei Weiz and continue on the WZ 16 to Etzersdorf.Alternatively, you can turn right at the fruit warehouse and continue on WZ 12 (approx. 2 km) to the R8 access road
We recommend you:
A stop at the "Haus des Apfels" is always an experience - specialty of the house APFELSTRUDEL
Apfelbaum in voller Blüte | © Oststeiermark Tourismus | Ewald Neffe
Apfeldorf Puch bei Weiz | © Oststeiermark Tourismus | Walter Schneider
Hufeisenapfel in Puch bei Weiz | © Oststeiermark Tourismus | Rene Strasser
Logo apple country Stubenbergsee | © ApfelLand-Stubenbergsee | Tourismusverband Oststeiermark
Radtour in der Oststeiermark: ApfelLandtour WZ12- Genussradtour im ApfelLand | © Outdooractive – 3D Videos
What the weather will be like
Puch bei Weiz (432m)
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