hohenkogl alpacas - Impression #1 | © Hohenkogl Alpakas_Simages Photography

hohenkogl alpacas

St. Ruprecht an der Raab

At the foot of the Hohenkogl lies the small hobby farm, which is run with a lot of love and diligence and is a meeting place for people and animals.

Heidi and Martin Ponsold manage the generations Hof am Hohenkogl and spend their everyday life with a variety of animals:

19 alpacas, 3 ponies, 2 donkey ladies, 2 dwarf rabbits, 3 Valais black-nosed sheep, 4 agate snails, 7 cats, 1 livestock guardian dog and some chickens.

Guided alpaca hikes have been offered since 2019. People with disabilities also have the opportunity to experience the fascination of alpacas. You can drive directly to the alpacas by car and the quiet location and paved roads also make it possible to accompany the alpacas on a short walk in a wheelchair. In the farm shop you can buy high-quality products from the "fleece of the gods" from the alpacas.

Sammeltaxi Oststeiermark SAM WZ2516, for reservation: +43 50 36 37 38 or ISTmobil.at


Hohenkogl Alpakas
Heidi & Martin Ponsold
Hohenkogl 9
8181 St. Ruprecht an der Raab
Moile (0043) 664 3857099

What the weather will be like

St. Ruprecht an der Raab (379m)

very sunny
14°C 29°C
16°C 31°C
17°C 29°C