hARTberg walk - Quake  - Impression #1 | © Tourismusverband Oststeiermark

hARTberg walk - Quake


Experience unique spray art in the East Styrian town of Hartberg!

Born and raised in Miami, Quake jumped headfirst into graffiti in the mid 90’s, inspired as a youngster by the illegal masterpieces in his neighborhood. Although it landed him in legal trouble multiple times as a youngster, he was eventually able to focus that energy into a BFA degree from the University of Miami, and shortly thereafter formed his own creative design and mural company, Cushy Gigs Creative. You can find his work in a variety of mediums, and usually with a strong Miami accent. Quake is mainly inspired by abstract lettering treatments and the everyday things he sees around him; including Miami’s highways, water towers, crashing waves and abandoned buildings, but prides himself on tackling new projects whenever given the opportunity.

He is a member of the worldwide operating sprayer collective LORDS.

Take the opportunity and travel by public transport:

If you want to connect the visit with an overnight stay – here you can get to the landlords in the region. https://www.steiermark.com/de/Oststeiermark/Urlaub-planen/Unterkuenfte-suchen-und-buchen


hARTberg walk
Augasse 35
8230 Hartberg

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What the weather will be like

Hartberg (422m)

very sunny
13°C 30°C
15°C 32°C
15°C 31°C