ZeitRAUM Fine-Dining by Stefan Eder - Impression #1 | © WILDe EDER

ZeitRAUM Fine-Dining by Stefan Eder

St. Kathrein am Offenegg

At the WILD EDER there is a cosmopolitan spirit of discovery and thus offers a "regional global" cuisine between the down-to-earth pub culture and influences from all over the world. This is where traditional cuisine meets the toques of head chef Stefan Eder. In addition to the creative dishes and the excellent menus, Eveline Wild seduces the guests in her "chocolate heaven".

The WILD EDER draws from what is found on the doorstep and values ​​the value of life. Thus, in the WILD EDER kitchen, many regional products are cooked by local farmers and conjured up into creative, new dishes. Perfect service, stylish ambience, fine wines, perfect culinary art and award-winning culinary delights come together. With absolute passion, Eveline Wild completes the menus with unique desserts that pamper not only the eye, but also the palate. Taste your way through a wide variety of sweets, from chocolate to praline, and maybe take one or two gifts home with you. Whether lunch or just dessert, coffee and cake, these can be enjoyed on the sun terrace with a wonderful panorama.

Fine dining in ZeitRAUM
Creating space and time for a culinary experience that focuses on the moment: this idea was the direction of the ZeitRAUM project. The topic of regionality has long been standard at WILD EDER. As a Jeunes Restaurateur (JRE), Stefan Eder was not only able to give free rein to his imagination, but also his creativity for his new arrangement - according to the motto “Taste the moment!”, Moments from the past or future are served in ZeitRAUM. Incidentally, you pay a flat rate for the time you spend there - the meal costs nothing.

Take advantage of the opportunity and travel by public transport.

Seats inside: 80
Seats outside: 20


Der WILDe EDER****
Stefan Eder
Dorf 3
8171 St. Kathrein am Offenegg

What the weather will be like

St. Kathrein am Offenegg (965m)

very sunny
14°C 28°C
16°C 30°C
17°C 29°C