Wine tavern Lang - Impression #1 | © Buschenschank Rappold

Wine tavern Lang

Pischelsdorf am Kulm

A snack like this is only available in the wine tavern

Look forward to a good Styrian snack, homemade and with the best local ingredients. We are happy to offer you the classics, such as a hearty Brettljause, lean loin, hearty bacon, ham roll with vegetables and sour delicacies, as well as our specialties: Anni's fresh, juicy roast pork, Kornspitz with smoked meat, cheese and paprika, sour beef, sheep cheese with red wine vinegar or the varied serving plate. There is something for every taste. And vegetarians can also eat more than just salad with us: Try our vegetable brine or sheep cheese with red wine vinegar and other cheese specialties. Attention vegans: How about sour beetle beans with onions or, depending on the season, radish or cabbage with seed oil? Or with crispy salads if you wish? Sounds good, does not it?


Buschenschank Lang
Pischelsdorf 48
8212 Pischelsdorf am Kulm

What the weather will be like

Pischelsdorf am Kulm (381m)

very sunny
13°C 29°C
16°C 31°C
16°C 30°C