Tourism information: Naturpark Pöllauer Tal - Impression #1 | © Tourismusverband Oststeiermark

Tourism information: Naturpark Pöllauer Tal


Your holiday region! Your tourism office in the Nature Park Pöllau Valley!

Many guests agree, it is the many lovely encounters that make this region so special. That's what we are known for.
We, the inhabitants of the Nature Park Pöllau Valley, are truly warm and convivial people. Here, the people in their ususal down-to-earth and authentic manner live in tune with the cycle of the seasons. Harmonious, soft and hilly beauty, mild Pannonian climate, originality and lived tradition characterise this region in Eastern Styria, the "Garden of Austria".

Have fun discovering the uniqueness of this special valley. You will discover several cultural treasures, enchanting jewels of nature, culinary delights and sportive adventures, none of which should be missed during your stay.

You can find the tourism office right next to the main entrance of the parish church Pöllau.


Tourismusverband Oststeiermark
Schloss 1
8225 Pöllau

What the weather will be like

Pöllau (421m)

very sunny
14°C 29°C
16°C 31°C
17°C 30°C