Themed Route: East Styrian Wine Road - Impression #1 | © Tourismusverband Oststeiermark

Themed Route: East Styrian Wine Road


Along the Roman Wine Road you find a world of enjoyment and the art of wine growing.

The East Styrian Roman Wine Road was established over 30 years ago as a platform for wine growers along one of the longest contiguous Austrian wine roads - to the east of Graz.

Wine growing has a long tradition in Eastern Styria, a 2000 year old history. A 75 km long archaeological trail from Roman times leads through the soft hills, woods and vineyards. Starting in Gleisdorf, the Roman Wine Road leads through the picturesque East Styrian countryside via Hartberg to Bad Waltersdorf.

Whether visiting a winemaker or one of the many Buschenschänke (local inns) - sampling wine is literally multilayered. The different soils and wine growing methods are reflected in the taste. This wine region has a lot to offer, the large variety of wines takes you from the characteristic Welschriesling via the punchy Sauvignon blancs to the elegant Zweigelt. One highlight ist the URBANUS - the flagship product of the East Styrian Wine Road. In the vineyard of Eastern Styria you enjoy every regional snack with a dorp of accompanying wine. Welcome to the region, in which culinary delights have a thousands of years old history.


Verein Oststeirische Römerweinstraße
Obmann Andreas Posch

What the weather will be like

Stubenberg (443m)

very sunny
14°C 29°C
16°C 30°C
17°C 30°C