Raabursprung-round trip - Impression #1 | © WEGES

Raabursprung-round trip


The "Raab" rises north of Passail, at the foot of the Osser. The mystical river flows about 250 kilometers through Eastern Styria and Hungary until it flows into the Danube in Györ. After Passail, the Raab forms Austria's longest gorge, the "Raabklamm", a popular destination for hikers.

The hike to the source starts at the "Waldmühle Jausenstation", there are also parking spaces here. On the family hiking trail there are also boards where the story of "Pozilo", the deer and his friends is told.

The Raabquelle, the origin, is a small fenced area. Here the water comes from the foot of the Osser and continues to flow into the Raabklamm, about 250 kilometers through Eastern Styria and through Hungary, where the Raab then flows into the Danube. That is why the mystical river is very popular with Hungarian guests.

The family hiking trail starts at the "Waldmühle" and leads past several steep mountain farming harbors. Meanwhile the story of "Pozilo", the deer and the little droplet "Sprunggingerl" is told. The tables were prepared in German and Hungarian. When you arrive at the source, bankers and a beautiful wayside cross are waiting for you to take a break, and you can also taste the delicious Raab spring water.

Those who want to extend the hike can hike steeply from the Raabursprung up to the "Schwoabauer-Kreuz" on the Sommeralm. In the middle of the alpine pastures, right below the "Schwoabauer Kreuz", the GH Holzmeister waits for hungry guests (path no. 754, approx. 1/2 hour, 200 meters in altitude).

What the weather will be like

Passail (653m)

very sunny
14°C 28°C
16°C 30°C
16°C 28°C