RINGANA ring(bar) - Impression #1 | © Tourismusverband Oststeiermark

RINGANA ring(bar)

St. Johann i. d. Haide

ring(bar) & ring(shop)

In mid-July 2021, the new RINGANA store, the so-called ring(store) and the ring(bar), which is open to the public, opened in RINGANA Campus A 1.

Fresh cosmetics (from 8:00-18:00), drinks, coffee and snacks (from 11:00-20:00) are available Monday to Friday.

Currently you can choose between two dishes for lunch (vegetarian & vegan)! Furthermore, there are daily changing soups and salads as well as ciabatta (with tomato, mozzarella & pesto) and wraps (with falafel).

Take the opportunity and travel by public transport:

If you want to connect the visit with an overnight stay – here you can get to the landlords in the region. https://www.steiermark.com/de/Oststeiermark/Urlaub-planen/Unterkuenfte-suchen-und-buchen

What the weather will be like

St. Johann in der Haide (370m)

very sunny
13°C 30°C
15°C 31°C
16°C 31°C