Nature Park Pöllau Valley - Impression #1 | © Tourismusverband Oststeiermark

Nature Park Pöllau Valley


A warm welcome to the Nature Park Pöllau Valley - The valley were people love Hirschbirnen (autumn pears).

The Nature Park Pöllau Valley with its soft hilly landscape is known for two things – the Nature Park and the „Pöllauer Hirschbirne“
  • Our cultivated landscape: East Styrian downs with orchards
  • Our guiding theme: „Protection through Utilisation“
  • Our key product: Pöllauer Hirschbirne (autumn pear)
  • Area: 124 km²
  • ca. 8.500 inhabitants
  • 35 holiday accommodations (including 9 certified Nature Park hosts)
Jewels of Nature: Pikeroi Rock Pöllauberg, Schönau Gorge, Meadows Pöllauberg-Goldsberg
Further Tourist Attractions: 190 km circular and themed hiking routes – Hirschbirn hiking route, interactive educational forest trail Masenberg, Hinterbrühl with the NaturKRAFTpark, Hirschbirn tree alley in Hinteregg, bee and bumblebee educational trail, alpine herbal garden and herbal path of the senses, historic market town Pöllau with the Styrian St. Peter`s Basilica and the castle park, Marian pilgrimage church Pöllauberg, themed gardens Pöllauberg, Hirschbirn-hirsch`n information points, Nature Park specialities in the farm shop Pöllau; section 26 – 27 of the hiking route „Vom Gletscher zum Wein“ („From glacier to wine“); „Styrian wine country cycling route and cultural enjoyment in nature“
2 Nature Park Municipalities: Market town Pöllau, Pöllauberg
Rare plants and animals: stemless gentian, arnica, orchid meadow; stag beetle, stone crayfish
Nature Reserves: Nature reserve gentian meadow Masenberg and protected habitat Pikeroi rock Pöllauberg, nature reserve Nature Park Pöllau Valley, natural landmarks
Awards: GenussRegion Pöllauer Hirschbirne since 2006, „KEM – Klima und Energie-Modellregion“ (climate and energy model region) since 2012, „KLAR! – Klimawandel-Anpassungsregion“ (climate change acclimatization region) since 2017, Protected designation of origin since May 2015


Naturpark Pöllauer Tal
Schloss 1, Stock 1
8225 Pöllau

What the weather will be like

Pöllau (421m)

very sunny
14°C 29°C
16°C 31°C
17°C 30°C