Mystical under and upper worlds - Impression #1 | © Erich Brandl

Mystical under and upper worlds


The secret labyrinth museum In the historically oldest building, the Steinpaißhaus from the 13th century, there is a new museum.

The first room contains exhibits that partly come from the prehistoric megalithic era of this area. The showpieces are old perforated stones (later called gate and gate stones), stones from the vicinity with old traces of work and remains of vessels from modern times. In the second section, a photo documentation of the long-term research work of the employees from Anger under the direction of Erich Brandl is shown, which was carried out by the Graz prehistoric scientist Dr. Heinrich Kusch and his wife Ingrid Kusch are supported and looked after. Furthermore, over 200 finds from the Roman, Celtic and Neolithic ages are exhibited here. The third exhibition room shows, via two large mirrors, the lower area under the old basement level of the house, which was only recently uncovered by the research group and was previously unknown, in which there is a fragment of an underground corridor and a mystical stone in the wall. This was called "Devil's Stone" by the working group. There is the possibility to visit interesting sites and underground facilities in the area around Anger by appointment.


Mystische Unter- und Oberwelten
Erich Brandl
Hauptplatz 7
8184 Anger

What the weather will be like

Anger (471m)

very sunny
14°C 29°C
16°C 31°C
16°C 29°C