Mosconi Pool-Dartcenter Coffee-Bar - Impression #1 | © Tourismusverband Oststeiermark

Mosconi Pool-Dartcenter Coffee-Bar


Would you like breakfast, unusual drinks and a cocktail - or would you prefer billiards or darts? But maybe also a karaoke evening - like every Thursday? All this is available at the Mosconi in Gleisdorf!

Mosconi is more than just a café or bar! From breakfast to colle drinks and cocktails there is also the only and largest billiard and darts center in the area. Managing Director Karl Peter Zengerer is involved in Mosconi with a lot of euphoria and passion. "Willie Mosconi" was an American pool player. Between 1941 and 1957, Mosconi won the world title thirteen times. He was a world record holder and contributed to the popularity of the sport through his numerous, legendary show fights and his books. Therefore originates the name "Mosconi".

Health and security measures

  • Disinfection of often touched items and surfaces
  • Distance rules are kept


Mosconi Billard-Dartcenter Café-Bar
Karl Peter Zengerer
Neugasse 115
8200 Gleisdorf
Moile +43 650 5803250

What the weather will be like

Gleisdorf (362m)

very sunny
14°C 29°C
16°C 31°C
16°C 30°C