Moor Hiking Path Teichalm - Impression #1 | © Helmut Schweighofer

Moor Hiking Path Teichalm


Our natural jewel the Schönauklamm - a cool and humid ravine forest next to the Kroisbach (Krois Stream), about a kilometer northwest of Schönaudorf (Schönau Village).
It is cool, humid and shady in this beech, maple and ash forest in the Nature Park Pöllau Valley, which is a welcome relief on a hot summer's day.
Although, a visit to this natural jewel is always worth it: Fire salamanders can be seen - especially after a shower of rain - and in the puddles yellow-bellied toads like to linger. Common types of birds are the great spotted woodpecker, greenfinch, cuckoo, great tit, blackcap, culver, robin and coal tit. Rarer species are the black woodpecker and the brown owl.

Around one kilometre northwest of Schönaudorf lies the Schönauklamm gorge.

This beech-maple-ash forest is cool, damp and somewhat dusky - a welcome way to cool off on hot summer days.

But a visit is also worthwhile in other respects: fire salamanders can be observed - especially during and after rainfall - and the yellow-bellied toad likes to spend time in ponds. Common bird species include great spotted woodpecker, greenfinch, cuckoo, great tit, blackcap, wood pigeon, robin and pine tit. Less common are the black woodpecker and tawny owl.

The undergrowth of the shady trees is sometimes lush with the yellow-flowered knotweed, the initially pink, then bluish spotted lungwort (Hansel & Gretel) and the white-flowered bittercress. The tall ostrich fern has a primeval appearance.

The starting point of the hike is the car park at the upper (northern) end of the Schönauklamm gorge, one kilometre north-west of Schönaudorf: the trail (Fieberbründlweg 945) leads south from the car park - initially flat and downhill, before becoming increasingly steep and descending into the Schönauklamm gorge forest. With the connecting road via Schönaudorf, this becomes a circular route.

Location: 565007.1 E or 5234633.9 N

More information about the jewel of nature: Schönauklamm (only in German)
(location and geology, flora and vegetation, fauna)

What the weather will be like

Pöllau (421m)

very sunny
14°C 29°C
16°C 31°C
17°C 30°C