Leisure and excercise space of the region Gleisdorf - Impression #1 | © Tourismusverband Oststeiermark

Leisure and excercise space of the region Gleisdorf


The “Gleisdorf region” – also known as the "Kleinregion" – consists of the four municipalities of Albersdorf-Prebuch, Gleisdorf, Hofstätten an der Raab and Ludersdorf-Wilfersdorf. In 2015 they opened the jointly created “Leisure and exercise space in the Gleisdorf region”.

The perfect starting point for your hike is the new starting zone at the Gleisdorf wave pool. If you are interested in running routes or Nordic walking, then we recommend the second starting zone at the Solar Stadium in Gleisdorf. The two starting areas have been embellished with comfortable seating and resting areas, bicycle parking spaces, warm-up and stretching equipment and greenery.

The free "Bewegungsfreiheit" leisure map is available in the four municipal offices and contains an overview map, descriptions of the routes in the three categories of running & Nordic walking, hiking & walking and cycling. All routes are also available online and can be downloaded in the form of data sheets and GPS data and walked on virtually: https://www.outdooractive.com/de/suche/?q=region+gleisdorf


Erlebnisregion Oststeiermark - Geschäftsstelle Gleisdorf
Rathausplatz 1
8200 Gleisdorf

What the weather will be like

Gleisdorf (362m)

very sunny
14°C 29°C
16°C 31°C
16°C 30°C