Kneippoasis Siegersdorf - Impression #1 | © Tourismusverband Oststeiermark

Kneippoasis Siegersdorf


This Kneipp facility offers a fascinating view towards Riegesburg. Through the "Kneipptürl" you enter a really different world.

In the middle Feistritz Valley, a unique Kneipp Active Park in Austria / Europe for "Kneipp" was created by 13 municipalities (before the municipal structural reform) together with the Kneipp Active Club. The artistically designed facilities invite you to do something for your health in a comfortable and playful way.

In this Kneipp region there are various artistic Kneipp facilities (works of art), which show very impressively how you can experience health in the footsteps of Kneipp with all your senses.

Starting from the natural treasures in the Kneipp Active Park, you can Kneipp in 13 communities and experience interesting facilities with your family. Health care with the simple possibilities of Kneipp's teachings is a wonderful way to do something for your body every day.

Other special features of this region are the flora and fauna of the Feistritz river and the culinary possibilities, which are able to captivate every guest of every age. Excellent specialties of the best quality invite the guests to stay. Whether for a weekend or a longer vacation stay, whether in a rustic or upscale ambience, whether in the Kneipp room, whether as a hiker, walker or cyclist - a heavenly microcosm reveals itself to every visitor here.

What the weather will be like

Feistritztal (361m)

very sunny
14°C 29°C
16°C 31°C
16°C 30°C