Hubertus Chapel - Impression #1 | © Tourismusverband Oststeiermark

Hubertus Chapel

St. Ruprecht an der Raab

The Hubertus chapel in St. Ruprecht an der Raab is beautifully located directly on the Kernkapellen hiking trail and the Panoramaweg. The chapel is dedicated to the chapel of the hunters and St. Hubertus (patron saint of hunters).

The Hubertus chapel is beside the peace grotto, the core chapel, the “blessing place” for children and the Arndorf prayer cross, another power of encounter and inner contemplation, which was designed by our well-known wood cutter Hans Pendl and it is one of the seven places on the path “7 places 7 Treasures ”, which connects the Burgthannerweg and the Kernkapellenweg, and leads past 7 places that house 7 special treasures. All seven places are related to the famous wood carver Hans Pendl.

The Hubertus Chapel was built on the initiative of the hunters in 1980 and used for numerous hunting events. In 2010 it was repainted and now, almost 30 years after it was built, renovation was necessary. Together with the planner Alfred Mörth, the locally responsible chairman of the Kühwiesen Hunting Society Rupert Hütter, the Hegemeister of Hegering 13 Mr. Heribert Eitljörg, the artist Johann Pendl, Alexander Zierler, Hans Wiedenhofer and numerous other committed helpers, the chapel and the square were completely renovated in 2018 redesigned around the chapel.

Collective cab Eastern Styria SAM WZ1848, reservation under +43 50 36 37 38 or

What the weather will be like

St. Ruprecht an der Raab (379m)

very sunny
14°C 29°C
16°C 31°C
17°C 29°C