Herbal Garden at Weizberg - Impression #1 | © Alexandra Wagner

Herbal Garden at Weizberg


The medicinal herb garden on the Weizberg is the fourth station on the spiritual path, which starts at the Taborkirche on the main square in Weiz. The herb garden is a place of rest and relaxation. We therefore recommend turning cell phones on silent during your stay in the herb garden and immersing yourself in the atmosphere of the garden.

The garden
The herb garden was originally laid out and designed by gardener Peter Painer with around 55 medicinal herbs. Depending on the season, the garden now includes far more than these 55 medicinal herbs. Herb priest Weidininger has taken on the sponsorship of the herb garden.

Herb tours with Alexandra Wagner
Get to know the variety of herbs and learn everything you need to know about the topic from our herbal guide Alexandra. The herb tours are voluntary. If you want, you can leave voluntary donations for children in need in the parish of Weiz. Contact: Alexandra Wagner: alex@andi-und-alex.at | www.andi-und-alex.at | +43 650 352 60 24

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What the weather will be like

Weiz (473m)

very sunny
14°C 29°C
16°C 31°C
16°C 29°C