Fruit growing Berger - Impression #1 | © Obstbau Berger

Fruit growing Berger

Puch bei Weiz

A family business on the Styrian Apple Road in Puch bei Weiz

The family business on the Styrian Apple Road in Puch near Weiz has focused on the production of apples and their processing, as well as game specialties.

Fruit growing has been a tradition on his farm for 3 generations. Mario now runs the farm with his mother Ingrid. Mario is a fruit grower by passion, has grown up with fruit growing and has perfected his knowledge at the fruit growing school Wetzawinkel.

The climate here on the Styrian Apple Road is ideal for fruit growing and this is reflected in the good quality. In autumn warm days and cool nights give the apples the perfect color. We live in harmony with nature and pay attention to a natural and environmentally conscious care of the orchards, the optimal harvest time and the clean processing of the fruit.

They are aware of their responsibility towards nature, customers and children. Here you can get high quality and delicious apple: Gravensteiner, Gala, Elstar, Golden Delicious, Jonagold and Crown Prince Rudolf and apricots.


Obstbau Berger
Harl 1
8182 Puch bei Weiz

What the weather will be like

Puch bei Weiz (432m)

very sunny
14°C 29°C
16°C 30°C
17°C 29°C