Buschenschank wine farm Knöbl - Impression #1 | © Tourismusverband Oststeiermark

Buschenschank wine farm Knöbl


The Knöbl family runs their Buschenschank in the eco-region of Kaindorf - with wonderfully fruity wines and a family atmosphere

Enjoy a good Styrian snack in summer in the idyllic and shady guest garden under a 120-year-old walnut tree. In addition to excellent and award-winning wines, the winery also produces high-quality fruit juices, fruit and pumpkin seed oil.

Farm sales all year round: The Knöbl business used to be a fruit-growing business and has increasingly become a top-class winery in recent years. Today, the entire variety of Styrian wines grows on an area of approx. 5 hectares.

Furthermore, approx. 2 ha each of apples and apricots are grown. In the area of fruit juices, several first places have already been won at the Styrian juice awards and the "state awards for must and juice".

Take the opportunity and travel by public transport:

If you want to connect the visit with an overnight stay – here you can get to the landlords in the region. https://www.steiermark.com/de/Oststeiermark/Urlaub-planen/Unterkuenfte-suchen-und-buchen


Weinhof Buschenschank Knöbl
Fritz Knöbl
Dienersdorf 83
8224 Kaindorf
Moile (0043) 664 5455978

What the weather will be like

Kaindorf (331m)

very sunny
13°C 30°C
15°C 32°C
15°C 31°C