Bergstub'n Pöllauberg - Impression #1 | © Tourismusverband Oststeiermark

Bergstub'n Pöllauberg


The family Schweighofer runs the Bergstub'n atop Pöllauberg since the 17th of December 2021.

The Bergstub'n Pöllauberg is a traditional restaurant that serves hearty dishes in a rustic setting. The ingredients are seasonal and are sourced from local producers. Additionally to the menu you can also enjoy a daily special. The kitchen is open all day from 11.00 am to 19.30 pm.

There is seating for 45 guest inside and 40 guests outside. Coaches are welcome! (Please make sure to book in advance.)
Reservation Tel.:+43 664 340 79 60

"SAM" stands for "Sammeltaxi Oststeiermark" and is a shared taxi. It effectively closes the mobility gap where buses and trains do not travel. The SAM stop closest to the Buschenschank Haubenwaller is HF 5811. You can find further collection points here.

Seats inside: 45
Seats outside: 40


Bergstub´n Pöllauberg
Philipp Schweighofer
Oberneuberg 227
8225 Pöllauberg
Moile +43 664 3407960

What the weather will be like

Pöllauberg (751m)

very sunny
14°C 27°C
17°C 29°C
18°C 28°C