Archery course Gleisdorf - Impression #1 | ©  Tourismusverband Oststeiermark

Archery course Gleisdorf


The archery course in the district of Ungerdorf is an outdoor leisure activity for young and old!

The "BSV Gleisdorf Gummiviechakilla" opened a 3D course with 40 targets on an 11 hectare forest area in the district of Ungerdorf, which was created by the course manager Hannes Pöttler. The members of BSV Gleisdorf have made it possible for anyone interested in archery to pursue their common hobby, archery, with fun and good humor in the Gleisdorf area. They humorously call their WhatsApp group "Gummiviechakilla" (Rubber Animal Killer). No reservation is necessary for individual athletes and small groups (less than 10 people). We ask larger groups to register in advance. Bow rental is possible on request.

What the weather will be like

Gleisdorf (362m)

very sunny
14°C 29°C
16°C 31°C
16°C 30°C