Apple hiking trail - Impression #1 | © Tourismusverband Oststeiermark

Apple hiking trail


The apple route ("Apfelstraße") is always worth a trip!

Only a few kilometers from Weiz is the apple village of Puch with its Styrian Apple Road, which is a delightful sight, especially in May during the flowering period and in autumn during harvest time.

Hike from Weiz to Puch!

The apple hiking trail

Experience the special climate in the apple village. Because of the warm days and cool nights, nothing stands in the way of perfect fruit growing. This special climate gives the apples their special aroma. This is why Puch is known far beyond its borders for its apples. The apples are also processed into juices, cider and schnapps here. Enjoy the unique variety of apples on this hike and try the various products at the inns.


We start our hike at the main square in Weizer. First we follow the Way of the Cross to the basilica on the Weizberg. From there we continue to Thannhausen and follow the path to the Kalvarienkapelle. Further on over the mountain of questions we always follow the path marker no. 2 and soon we reach the Gasthaus Hafner. We cross the B72 and go to Steirergasse and the Schattenbauerweg. We follow the Schattenbauerweg until we come to a crossroads and turn left towards path no. 10 and follow this path. After a little up and down, the hiking trail from Klettendorf leads directly through some apple orchards, which gives you a great view of the orchards. These sections of the trail are even more attractive at the time of bloom and harvest and a real treat for all the senses. The hiking trail ends right in the center of Puch, where you can enjoy a variety of high-quality apple specialties for the way back.

What the weather will be like

Weiz (473m)

very sunny
14°C 29°C
16°C 31°C
16°C 29°C