Apple House - Museum - Impression #1 | © Tourismusverband Oststeiermark

Apple House - Museum

Puch bei Weiz

Since 1990, the Styrian fruit-growing museum, the "Apple House", has been located on our property. This was brought into being on the active initiative of the “Styrian Apple Road” association and designed as a “living museum”.

The outdoor area was designed with many interesting and vivid exhibits.

Among them is the rustic press house where the mystical abacus is stored, a bee house and an orchard with old apple varieties was also created. Inside there is a permanent exhibition where you can learn a lot of interesting facts about apples and fruit growing in general.

The great importance of the apple in art, mythology, religion and customs is highlighted, as well as plant protection, hail defense, processing, marketing, transport and harvesting. The museum presents "The apple through the ages", from the Neolithic (Stone Age) to the 20th century.

The first prehistoric apple finds are described, as well as traditions from Roman times to the migration of peoples.


Haus des Apfels
Harl 25
8182 Puch bei Weiz

What the weather will be like

Puch bei Weiz (432m)

very sunny
14°C 29°C
16°C 30°C
17°C 29°C