Pilgrim Walk pilgrims' path, Pöllau - Touren-Impression #1 Pilgrim Walk pilgrims' path, Pöllau - Touren-Impression #1

pilgrims' path, Pöllau

Pilgrimage also possible in the Nature Park Pöllau Valley: from the Pöllau parish church past the Kalvarienberg church on to the Pöllauberg pilgrimage church.
We can also combine our pilgrimage with a cultural tour - more information under Cultural Tourism: Sacred Art and Organ Walking



Best season

The tour in numbers

Level of difficulty
3,3 km
1:30 h
340 hm
10 hm
749 m
Highest point

Map & downloads

More information

Pöllau, castle park
  • This trail is also the pilgrims' path and part of the Hirschbirn hiking trail from the Pöllau parish church to the Pöllauberg pilgrimage church.
  • We start at the Pöllau parish church and hike via Schmiedgasse to the roundabout, where we also meet hiking trail no. 942 north of the Raiffeisenbank in the direction of Pöllauberg.
  • We follow these hiking trails to the pilgrimage church of Pöllauberg.

The Pöllau parish church and the Pöllauberg pilgrimage church are open all year round during the day - so devotions are also welcome.

Timetables and travel information can be found at Österreichische Bundesbahnen (ÖBB) or at Verkehrsauskunft Verbundlinie.

For local transport we recommend the SAM-Sammeltaxi Oststeiermark.

HF5943 Pöllau Schlosszwinger

Pöllau, Castle Park

P&R at the Pöllau bypass

Information about the region, places to stop for refreshments and overnight accommodation, excursion destinations etc. can be found here:

Eastern Styria Tourist Board

Nature Park Pöllau Valley office

Castle 1

8225 Pöllau

Phone: +43 3335 4210



Current weather

Mobility Eastern Styria with shared taxi SAM

Kompass Map, Hiking Map Nature Park Pöllauer Valley 1:30,000

Find out about maps, hiking brochures and other tour tips at the tourist office. You can also order information material on our website from the comfort of your own home.

Tourism region Eastern StyriaNature Park Pöllauer Valley officeSchloss 1, 8225 PöllauTel: +43 3335 4210 www.naturpark-poellauertal.atwww.oststeiermark.com

Rother hiking guide "Oststeiermark - Von den Fischbacher Alpen bis in die Thermenregion", 50 tours, Elisabeth Zienitzer & Silvia Sarcletti paperback, ISBN-10, 376334577 available in bookshops


What the weather will be like

Pöllau (421m)

very sunny
14°C 29°C
16°C 31°C
17°C 30°C
Kindererlebnis-Bauernhof Perhofer, Silvia | © Oststeiermark Tourismus, Rene Strasser

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