Pisesweg Circular Route: Murau - St. Georgen/Kreischberg
Leisurely hike from Murau to St. Georgen with a lovely view of the golf course. Alternatively, you can start this round trip from St. Georgen.
This charming trip can be started either from Murau or St. Georgen am Kreischberg and is also recommended for families with children. Prams are only possible on the section that uses the Murradweg cycle trail. Starting at the western end of Murau (at the Red Cross), the route initially runs on the Lärchberg on the sunny side of town before heading in the direction of St. Georgen am Kreischberg, a town often crowned the "Most Beautiful Flower Town in Styria". Cross the River Mur on the Holzeuropabrücke (bridge) to St. Lorenzen, walking away from the Kreischberg and towards the golf course. The trail now runs sedately between fields to the 18-hole golf course, which again touches on the wood theme. Set off back to Murau along the Murradweg cycle trail. Alternatively, you can travel back to Murau from St. Lorenzen by train on the Murtalbahn railway or by bus.
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Coming from Judenburg via Unzmarkt to Scheifling. Here turn right in the direction of Murau.
Coming from Murau via Ranten (or Stadl an der Mur), drive straight on to Murau.
From the Red Cross Murau you hike about three kilometers on asphalt road up the Lärchberg. At the crossroads turn left downhill for about 500 meters. Then you cross a meadow (watch out for grazing cattle). Then you walk for about 20 minutes through a ditch and come to a gravel road, here you turn downhill (about 1.5 km) and walk the paved road via Edling to St. Georgen am Kreischberg. The way back is via the Murradweg (R2), past the golf course to Murau.
Return on the narrow gauge railway, the Murtalbahn
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- Opposite the Red Cross Murau
- Raffaltplatz Murau
Pay attention to the parking time!
St. Georgen ob Murau | © Tourismusverband Murau | Mediadome
Ausgangspunkt Murau | © Tourismusverband Murau | cstrobl
Wandern mit der Familie | © Tourismusverband Murau | Tom Lamm
What the weather will be like
Murau (811m)
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