FB13 Pond Tour Thermal and Volcanic Land Styria (FB13 Teichtour Thermen- und Vulkanland Steiermark)
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Freeway A2 direction Vienna - exit Gleisdorf SĂĽd - direction Feldbach B68
Coming from Vienna:
Freeway A2 direction Graz - exit Ilz/ FĂĽrstenfeld - direction Feldbach B66 - direction Gleisdorf B68
0.5 turn left
0,7 turn left
3,2 go straight ahead
6,2 go straight ahead
6,3 go straight ahead
7,7 Go straight ahead
8,3 turn left uphill
10,0 turn left (highest point of the tour: Schwarten/Planetarium)
10,5 turn right downhill
12,1 go straight ahead
14,3 straight ahead
17.3 Turn right and immediately left (cross the main road)
18,5 Go straight ahead
20.1 Turn right
20,4 turn left
21,9 Turn left
22,3 Turn left and immediately right (uphill past chapel)
22.4 turn right
22,5 turn left
22,6 go straight ahead
24,3 turn right towards the train station (Urlas)
26,0 turn left at Gasthaus Gsöls
26,0 here you could go back to Kirchberg past the sports field
26,8 cross the country road straight ahead
27.4 Kirchberg an der Raab church
Detailed information about arriving by Ă–BB (Austrian Federal Railways) can be found at www.oebb.at or on the Verbundlinie Steiermark website www.busbahnbim.at
With Verbundlinie’s BusBahnBim route planner app, planning your journey has never been easier: simply enter towns and/or addresses, stop names or points of interest to check all bus, train and tram connections in Austria. The app is available free of charge for smartphones – on Google Play and in the App Store
P+R at the train station Studenzen-Fladnitz(no short term parking zone). There are numerous parking spaces available.
Tourismusverband Thermen- & Vulkanland
Gästeinfo Feldbach
Hauptplatz 1
8330 Feldbach
Opening hours:
Mon-Fri from 9-12 and 13-16 hrs., Foyer from 6-22 o'clock
A bike map is available free of charge at the Feldbach guest information office.
Wander – Rad – Freizeitkarte WK 412, 1:50000, freytag&berndt
Wander – Rad – Freizeitkarte WK 423, 1:50000, freytag&berndt