© Katrin Kerschbaumer Photography | Katrin Kerschbaumer Photography © Katrin Kerschbaumer Photography | Katrin Kerschbaumer Photography

Horseback riding in Ausseerland

Saddle up, ride away and enjoy: Is there a more relaxing way to explore the beautiful nature of Ausseerland than from a horseback? Discover new paths and experience adventures while having a relaxed ride in horse rhythm.

During riding, surrounded by meadows, forests and the mountain landscape of the region, animal lovers spend their own personal moment in Ausseerland.

Horseback riding trails between Altaussee and Bad Mitterndorf

Riders and horses enjoy varied riding pleasure on their own trails:  

  • On the way to Bad Mitterndorf, the refreshing Traun River is crossed.
  • Forest roads at the foot of the “Kumitzberg” mountain lead to the beautifully situated Seidenhofalm.
  • Above Lake Altaussee, you ride leisurely towards Seewiese and observe the Tressenstein and Dachstein.
  • The extended panoramic tour from Bad Ausssee to Bad Mitterndorf is a treat for every horseback rider's heart.
More tracks through the Ausseerland
Blick von hinterm See  | © Hermann Rastl
Altaussee easy
Route 6,1 km
Duration 1:45 h

Riding trail from Altaussee to Seewiese

Aussichtswarte Ruine Pflindsberg | Theresa Schwaiger | © Tourismusverband Ausseerland - Salzkammergut
Altaussee medium
Route 9,5 km
Duration 3:00 h

"Pötschenpass - Pflindsberg"

Accessible by public transport
Bad Mitterndorf mit Grimming | © Ausseerland
Bad Mitterndorf easy
Route 13,5 km
Duration 2:15 h

Riding trail Thörl-Krungl-Round

Learn horseback riding - lessons in Ausseerland

The Ausseerland is probably one of the most beautiful places to try out horseback riding. The owners of the horse farms between Altaussee and Bad Mitterndorf have maintained a close bond with horses, in some cases since childhood. They slowly introduce their visitors to the animals and explain how to handle them properly.

Saddle up: For a safe ride, the riding stables hold helmets ready to borrow. And of course there's hay, apples and carrots as a reward for the horses.

© Katrin Kerschbaumer Photography | Katrin Kerschbaumer Photography

Carriage and horse-drawn sleigh rides

If you prefer to enjoy the graceful horses with a little distance, choose a carriage or horse-drawn sleigh ride through the most beautiful places in Ausseerland.

Whether on warm summer evenings or in winter with a warming blanket and a hot tea - the rides are fun at any time of the year!


Code of conduct for harmonious riding in Ausseerland

By following a few rules, every horseback ride becomes a dreamlike experience:

1. riding out on approved forest roads and trails is allowed from 8:30 am until 2 hours before dusk. (In case of non-compliance, you will be reported to the police).

2. game feeding areas and their immediate surroundings are not allowed to be entered. raised hides are to be avoided and, if necessary, only to be passed at a walk.

3. riding on uncleared paths is not allowed in winter.

Fees for horseback riding in Ausseerland

Anna Soder
Bad Aussee
Tel. +43 664 2427890
E-Mail: pferdefreunde-ausseerland@gmx.at

Cornelia Schiendorfer
Tel. +43 664 5530603

The annual fee for a badge is: 100,00 Euro
Note: Daily, weekly and monthly fee: Price on request!

Summer sports activities in Ausseerland