Around the middle (Um die Mitte) - entire length
The path "Around the middle" forms the centre of the path network "On the tracks of the volcanoes". What is meant is that the paths flow through the landscape like the meridians in our bodies.
The starting point of the hike is already a pleasure. From the Vulkanland viewing platform, the view opens up to Straden. The path "Around the Centre" leads to Stainz, where regional delicacies spoil the "physical centre". On the "Path of Art", which takes our creative, spiritual centre as its theme, we continue over the Sazianiberg to Straden, which is a religious centre with its four churches. Down the stairway the path leads to the Johannisbrunnen, whose water provides for the physical health of our centre. Through the vineyards, the traces of the volcanoes lead uphill again and over the Rosenberg back to the lookout point. The view of Straden is a constant companion. If you cover the entire trail in 1 day, you will get to know the wonderful cultural landscape. The wine-growing region of Straden is known for its mild climate and high-quality wines. Straden is embedded in the European nature reserve no. 14 "Südoststeirisches Hügelland". 1 day stage.
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Starting from the parking space next to the look-out tower Aussichtswarte Frutten-Gießelsdorf, yellow signs lead the way. Behind the enclosed café, the trail descends through the forest to Stainz bei Straden. Follow the harmonic forest trail, pass by a row of family houses and arrive at the Haus der Vulkane. A bus stop is located next to it. If arriving by public transport, it is possible to start the loop here. The artistic trail Weg der Kunst accompanies hikers along the flat terrain. It is lined with several art installations. First the humming stones on the left side, then a stop focusing on touch. At the crossroads we turn right to the resting place Tauchenrast and hike through the elms’ sound alley. Now the trail ascends steeply, and the view opens over the valley we traversed. At the highest point, a simple wooden bench invites to take a break. On the left side, the trail passes a little forest and a wall of sand until it arrives back at the valley. Now it turns right and follows a narrow path uphill, back down to the stop Eule (owl) and through the forest uphill again to Straden. The yellow signs guide passed the chainsaw museum and Buschenschank Dunst to Sazianiberg with a wooden platform and a great panorama over the three church towers of Straden. Through the Neumeister vineyards the trail arrives at the village center. Here, several glass columns invite to learn more about geology and history. DeMerin was the first priest in Straden, the café Greisslerei on the main square is named after him. A wonderful resting place that serves small snacks and homemade desserts. The fortified church’s wall from sandstone as well as the cozy location convey Mediterranean flair. At the main church’s parking space an information board shows different hiking routes. Next to it the yellow signs lead down a staircase towards the cemetery. Via the so-called staircase alley, the trail heads town to Marktl. Here, one of Styria’s biggest historical collections about farmers’ life is on display at the tavern Bulldogwirt that also offers excellent cuisine. Directly next to it the healthy spring Johannisbrunnen and its bottling plant are located. Do as the locals do and fill your bottle with rejuvenating water. The trail follows the flat terrain out of the valley to a small, well-maintained pond and a renovated Gothic light pillar. Turn left, cross the main street B66 – also known as Vulkanland Route 66 – hike a short bit on asphalt and turn to take a long-standing field road uphill to Neusetz. The trail passes the vineries Fassold and Krispel. First, it follows the sidewalk, after the big wine cellar resembling a volcano, it turns right on a gravel path sloping downwards. Passing by the house Puntigam on the left side, the trail leads uphill through a vineyard onto the high route through the forest. A rest with an amazing view towards Straden awaits. Along beautifully renovated houses we ascend Rosenberg (close the gate after you!). Buschenschank Kirwasser installed a footbridge into happiness, but also offers a great menu, and rooms, the neighboring Buschenschank Neubauer serves very authentic cold meals. From here, the trail once again leads uphill, on the right side the church tower from St. Anna winks at us, on the left side we once more glance towards Straden and its four churches. On the edge of the forest a resting place devotes itself to wine with a walk-in cask and generous tastings, also for groups. The Königsberg, the oldest known settlement in the region, lies in our line of sight. The trail levels out and light steps take us back to the look-out tower.
If you don't suffer from vertigo, you should definitely enjoy the magnificent view from the Vulkanland lookout station Frutten Gießelsdorf.
Vulkanland Aussichtswarte | © TV Thermen- & Vulkanland | Bernhard Bergmann
Blick von der Aussichtswarte | © TV Thermen- & Vulkanland | Bernhard Bergmann
Aussichtswarte | © TV Thermen- & Vulkanland | Bernhard Bergmann
Blick auf Straden | © TV Thermen- & Vulkanland | Bernhard Bergmann
um die mitte - gesamtstrecke_img_81720958 | © TV Thermen- & Vulkanland | Bernhard Bergmann
um die mitte - gesamtstrecke_img_81720959 | © TV Thermen- & Vulkanland | Bernhard Bergmann
um die mitte - gesamtstrecke_img_81720972 | © TV Thermen- & Vulkanland | Bernhard Bergmann
Gemütliche Rast | © TV Thermen- & Vulkanland | Bernhard Bergmann
Aussichtsplattform Straden | © Gabi Grandl
Buschenschank Neubauer | © Gabi Grandl
Feuerstelle am Rosenberg | © Gabi Grandl
Sazianiplattform | © Gabi Grandl
Straden | © Gabi Grandl
Sitzgelegenheiten laden zum Verweilen ein | © Gabi Grandl
Blick auf den Rosenberg | © Gabi Grandl
Wanderrast bei De Merin in Straden | © Gabi Grandl
De Merin in Straden | © Gabi Grandl
Wein in Stein gereift bei Krispel | © Gabi Grandl
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Straden (340m)
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