Hiking route Forest trail (Waldwanderweg) - Touren-Impression #1 | © Erlebnisregion Thermen- & Vulkanland Hiking route Forest trail (Waldwanderweg) - Touren-Impression #1 | © Erlebnisregion Thermen- & Vulkanland

Forest trail (Waldwanderweg)

Leisurely walk through the diverse forest landscape with a possible connecting trail.
Starting point of the hiking tour is the center of St. Magdalena. The 5.5 km long hike, as the name suggests, leads through various forests of the 2-Thermenregion.



Best season


The tour in numbers

Level of difficulty
5,5 km
1:30 h
180 hm
180 hm
450 m
Highest point

Map & downloads

More information

Aus Richtung Wien:
Autobahn A2 Richtung Graz - Sie nehmen die Abfahrt Sebersdorf/ Bad Waltersdorf, dann Richtung St. Magdalena

Aus Richtung Graz: Autobahn A2 Richtung Wien - Sie nehmen die Abfahrt Sebersdorf/ Bad Waltersdorf, dann Richtung St. Magdalena

Detaillierte Informationen zur Anreise finden Sie hier.
Starting point of the hiking route is the center of St. Magdalena. Start in the direction of Harras to Schmiedböck. Turn left and hike through the forest to Längenbach. Now you can either go back the same way or decide to keep the direction and continue towards Oberlimbach on the connecting trail W6 Keltischer-Baumkreis-Weg to Bad Waltersdorf.   
  1. Start from the center of St. Magdalena
  2. direction Harras to Schmiedböck
  3. left through the forest to Längenbach
  4. the same way back to St. Magdalena to the starting point 

OR continue in the direction of Oberlimbach on connecting trail W6 Celtic Tree Circle Trail to Bad Waltersdorf

You can decide whether you want to go back the same way to St. Magdalena or whether you want to add the connecting trail W6 to your tour.
Find timetables and travel information directly at: Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB), Steiermärkische Landesbahnen (STLB), www.busbahnbim.at.

With the BusBahnBim app from Verbundlinie, timetable information has never been easier: all bus, train and streetcar connections in Austria can be queried by entering locations and/or addresses, stops or important points. The app is available as a free app for smartphones (Android, iOS) - on Google Play and in the App Store

Thermen-Genuss-Taxi: With a valid guest pass, guests can be transported within the 2-Thermenregion Bad Waltersdorf from Mon. to Sun. 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. at a rate of € 1.00 p.p./trip. To the places Auffen-Großhart-Buch-Magdalena as well as Bad Blumau the single direction costs € 2,50 p.p.. - please book in time under +43 664/455 45 00 

Thermenlandbus: From Vienna comfortably with the Thermenlandbus to Bad Waltersdorf.

Im gesamten Ortszentrum stehen zahlreiche Parkplätze zur Verfügung.
Tourist office Thermen- & Vulkanland
Gästeinfo Bad Waltersdorf
Hauptplatz 90
8271 Bad Waltersdorf
Tel: +43 3382 55 100-71


What the weather will be like

Buch-St. Magdalena (453m)

very sunny
13°C 29°C
15°C 30°C
16°C 30°C
Südosten Region Österreich | © Thermen- & Vulkanland Steiermark

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