Wine tavern Weinhof Tauchmann - Impression #1 | © Weinhof Tauchmann

Wine tavern Weinhof Tauchmann


A family business of a special kind!

Excellent Buschenschank in Söchau

The Tauchmann family's wine farm is located in Tautendorf near Söchau in the Hartberg-Fürstenfeld district. About one kilometre outside of the herb village lies the winery with attached Buschenschank. On a total of four hectares of vineyards, the fourth generation of the family cultivates classic Styrian grape varieties that thrive on heavy sandy-loam soils.

The excellent Buschenschank offers a creative range of snacks. Classics such as the traditional Brettljause are prepared, but also new creations from fresh salads or fish specialities. In combination with the in-house quality wines, nothing stands in the way of enjoyable moments. Comfortable warmth on cold winter days is provided by the ornate tiled stove that is the focal point of the Buschenschank.

Excellent Styrian wine tavern, exquisite wine variety, Styrian hearty snacks in a cosy ambience. 

A special tip!


Buschenschank Weinhof Tauchmann
Stefan Tauchmann
Tautendorf 37
8362 Söchau
Moile (0043) 664 167 01 86

What the weather will be like

Söchau (268m)

very sunny
14°C 31°C
16°C 32°C
17°C 31°C