Weingut Dietl - Eschenhof - Impression #1 | © Elisabeth Bachlechner

Weingut Dietl - Eschenhof


The Eschenhof is located in the immediate vicinity of Kornberg Castle. In the midst of vineyards and orchards you will find peace and relaxation.

Revitalized castle vineyards

The Eschenhof looks back on a long history of wine and fruit growing. Formerly run as the estate of Kornberg Castle, the agricultural land was revitalized and is now run as a mixed farm. In the early 1990s, the former castle vineyards were revitalized and since then wines of the highest quality have been pressed.

Quality grape varieties are cultivated on the vineyards sloping up to 50 degrees, resulting in enjoyable, high-quality wines that inspire passion and desire. The Dietl family is committed to producing not only wines of the highest quality but also independent and self-confident wines that reflect varietal typicity, vintage and the winemaker's signature. A vineyard tour with cellar guidance and commented tasting or a vacation at the winery is the perfect way to get to know the diversity of the region.

Vacation at the winery

The vacation apartments are the perfect base for a gourmet vacation around Riegersburg. For breakfast you can help yourself to the farm's own free-range eggs and seasonal fruit is available anyway.


Weingut Dietl
Dörfl 14
8333 Riegersburg
Moile (0043) 664 439 01 68

What the weather will be like

Riegersburg (372m)

very sunny
13°C 30°C
16°C 31°C
16°C 31°C