Wein.Gölles Weinbau - Buschenschank - Impression #1 | © Gerd Neumann

Wein.Gölles Weinbau - Buschenschank


Sitting comfortably on the terrace with a view of the vineyard, enjoying a good glass of wine and a snack. Or perhaps a tour of the vaulted cellar with a commented tasting?

Wine only from the best grapes

The vineyards are cultivated according to this principle. Only through careful work in the vineyard can the conditions for quality wines be achieved. The vineyards are located in the immediate vicinity of the farm in Hatzendorf and are situated on sunny south-facing slopes. In the care of the vines, great importance is attached to manual labor, because only in this way can each vine be individually attended to.

Cozy Buschenschank

What would fit better than to serve the wines with homemade and regional specialties in the own Buschenschank. Here, too, quality is the top priority. With a manageable number of seats, the Gölles family takes care of each guest individually. On the terrace overlooking the vineyard you can relax and with a good glass of wine you can forget about time.


Weinbau Buschenschank Gölles
Franz und Martina Gölles
Hatzendorf 44a
8361 Fehring
Moile (0043) 664 415 31 25

What the weather will be like

Fehring (270m)

very sunny
14°C 31°C
16°C 32°C
17°C 32°C