Wein von Josef Totter - Impression #1 | © Josef Totter

Wein von Josef Totter


Our small farm is located 40 km southeast of Graz in the market town of Jagerberg at 410 m above sea level.

The sustainable and natural management of our habitat is very close to our hearts. So it came gradually to commit more and more to biodynamics.

In 2013, in order to avoid even more the use of pesticides, we switched viticulture to fungus-resistant grape varieties with Souvignier gris and Muscaris. The wines are vinified naturally in wooden barrels and in the clay amphora. No additives are used, with the exception of a small amount of sulfur before bottling.

The wines are characterized by a high expressiveness and a very good compatibility.

I wish you much pleasure with our wines!


Josef Totter
Jagerberg 24
8091 Jagerberg
Moile +43 660 21 97 950

What the weather will be like

Jagerberg (377m)

very sunny
14°C 29°C
16°C 31°C
16°C 30°C