RIVER´SCOOL - Impression #1 | © TV Thermen- & Vulkanland



The RIVER'SCOOL in Donnersdorf is one of a total of 8 RIVER'SCOOLS of the future 5-country biosphere park Mur-Drau-Donau.

RIVER'SCOOL - Styrian Mur floodplains

These are to serve as outdoor learning centers and provide specific information on the respective floodplain landscape with their respective focal points. In Donnersdorf, among other things, a bird watching station has been set up for this purpose.

If nature and wildlife benefit from river restoration, then people benefit too! The wonderful scenery consisting of river and floodplain forest offers a welcome balance to the hectic everyday life. The two RIVER'SCOOLpoints on the Mura near Donnersdorf as well as in the city park of Bad Radkrsburg, the SchAUplätze and other points of interest offer exciting information, tips and opportunities to discover the natural treasures.


Marktgemeinde Halbenrain
Halbenrain 220
8492 Halbenrain

What the weather will be like

Halbenrain (221m)

very sunny
15°C 31°C
17°C 32°C
17°C 32°C