Parish and pilgrimage church Breitenfeld an der Rittschein - Impression #1 | © TVB Riegersburg

Parish and pilgrimage church Breitenfeld an der Rittschein


The church of the Saviour of the World, built in the 17th century as a plague pilgrimage church, rises majestically in the small village of Breitenfeld on the Rittschein. The stately size and the rich and ornate decoration of the interior indicate the once great importance of the pilgrimage church.

Parish Church "To the Saviour of the World"

In the beginning, it was the horrors of the plague that brought many pilgrims to the village of Breitenfeld an der Rittschein. Today, people are invited to call upon the Saviour of the World for help in the many hardships of our time and to be touched by the baroque beauty of the church near Riegersburg.

Impressive and indicative of the significance of the pilgrimage are the two-storey high altar filling the entire end of the choir with portals and the mighty pulpit, whose design is derived from the famous Vorau pulpit by Matthias Steinl. The central painting of the high altar with Christ the Redeemer, surrounded by figures of the twelve apostles, is by Simon Echter and was painted in 1645 for the originally smaller church. There are also four side altars in the church: the altar of the Cross and the altar of Mary with the Immaculate Conception, the altar of St. Anthony and the altar of St. Francis Xavier.


Pfarr- & Wallfahrtskirche Breitenfeld
Breitenfeld 1
8313 Riegersburg
Moile (0043) 676 87 42 61 09

What the weather will be like

Riegersburg (372m)

very sunny
13°C 30°C
16°C 31°C
16°C 31°C