Obstbau Boden - Impression #1 | © GlaMUR – Genuss am Fluss, Ulrike Korntheuer

Obstbau Boden

St. Peter a. Ottersbach

A special offer is the CALDERA - cider.

The family business fruit-growing nursery Boden on the border between the market town of Mettersdorf Am Saßbach, Styria, Austria and the market town of St. Peter am Ottersbach, has for years been a byword for exceptional and highest quality.

The fruit growing and fruit processing is characterized by the terms variety and quality. Products for connoisseurs are produced.

Must from traditional varieties to noble varieties; juices and nectars from the classic apple juice, apple-ribisel, apple-carrot, to peach nectar; apple frizzante a fine fruity fruit sparkling wine. A special offer is the CALDERA - cider. A brand that represents the highest quality of cider from the Vulkanland. Through profound knowledge and much love for the Caldera, a noble drink with a powerful taste and fruity aroma was born by innovative Calder farmers. A welcome alternative to wine and beer.

As Caldera may be bottled only a cider, which reaches a gold medal according to the guidelines of the Styrian regional evaluation. Due to the varied offer, a special pleasure experience is guaranteed for every palate.


Obstbau Boden
Zehensdorf 42
8093 St. Peter am Ottersbach
Moile +43 664 41 77 106

What the weather will be like

St. Peter am Ottersbach (271m)

very sunny
14°C 30°C
16°C 32°C
17°C 31°C