Love trees  - Impression #1 | © Rogner Bad Blumau

Love trees

Bad Blumau

As a special sign for the marriage of couples at Rogner Bad Blumau, a tree is dedicated to them. The date of the wedding or a saying of the couple is immortalised on a plaque. During a walk you can read who and from where was married here and trace the many loves that go hand in hand here.

The apple tree as a symbol and sign of love
In addition to its role as the tree of the most important fruit in our latitudes, the apple tree also plays a role in various mythologies and religions. For the Celts, it was a tree of love and immortality and one of the seven sacred trees (along with birch, alder, willow, oak, holm oak and hazel) that were not touched. And in our translation of the Old Testament, it is the tree of knowledge from which Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit.

The birch, the tree of light, youth and sensuality Because of its beauty, the birch is often referred to as the "mistress of the woods". It is more robust than most other trees and even grows where the strong oak tree does not thrive.

During the first months of the calendar, the Celts used birch brooms to sweep the paths in order to drive out the evil spirits of the old year. In spring, the birch was then tapped by cutting into the bark. The Celts made a liqueur from the sweet sap of the tree, which was used to celebrate the spring equinox.

Couples who celebrated their wedding at Rogner Bad Blumau are immortalised with plaques at the various trees.


Spa Therme Blumau Betriebs GmbH
Bad Blumau 100
8283 Bad Blumau

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What the weather will be like

Bad Blumau (269m)

very sunny
14°C 30°C
16°C 32°C
17°C 31°C